The United Kingdom-wide discussions we must have

The United Kingdom has been presented with a once in a lifetime opportunity – to discuss and decide how,  post-C-19 we want to be . Now is the time for strong leadership to take this on, involving the whole of our nation. If C-19 shows us anything, it is that we can’t continue the way we were. We the people need to determine our priorities; what they are, how we fund them and how that money is raised.  For example, we need to ponder things like:

  • The importance of the NHS – we’ve always known it, and now we are experiencing that importance first hand.
  • Rich individuals and corporations are not paying their fair tax burden – my views are:
    • Corporations must pay tax in the country income is earned (none of the Lichtenstein service companies).
    • A progressive tax is needed on the really wealthy – make them pay their fair share.
  • The poor, the old, the disadvantaged are massively undeserved – how can we do better for them?
  • C-19 and the reduction in traffic shows that we need to dramatically reduce the use of private cars – especially in city centers.
  • Bring back proper employment – zero-hours contracts & the gig economy have been exposed.

There are many such topics we as a nation need to tackle – and we are now presented with the perfect opportunity to start the discussions.